I love speaking at conferences, conventions and meetings. Last week I had the honor of presenting “Simple… not Easy” to the Columbus New Neighbors League. It is the story of the process and actions I took to overcome and defeat obesity. Nothing warms my soul more than feeling a connection with my audience and sharing my personal story. Apparently the audience felt the same. What follows is the review of my presentation, from the person responsible for booking me for their event:
Two Thumbs Up to Bill Streetman For Leading the NNLC Speakers’ Line-up for 2018 With a Guide to a Happier, Fitter Life
We couldn’t have picked a better speaker to start the New Year. Westerville resident and citizen of the World, Bill Streetman, was billed as a speaker on his successful weight loss regimen, but it turns out he is more of a life coach and inspirational speaker. What a great way to start 2018!
We are an audience of mostly over 55s, mostly women and some men. We are a good cross-section, however, of backgrounds and interests as well as fitness and health levels. There was something for each of us in Bill’s presentation. It is interesting to see his personal journey from 400 to 200 pounds and his having kept his new slimmer self for the last six years. But more fascinating is how he taught us how to formulate a plan—for weight, for fitness, for life! His power point was organized and interesting and his speaking style is dynamic. He has a simple idea that is not easy to implement: burn more calories than you eat (or drink). The plan part was fascinating because he shows you how to analyze your particular problem with the implementation of the plan and then how to follow through with your plan. Thus, his individual journey does not need to be your journey because everyone is different.
Since he shows you how to devise your own way to get there, it is empowering. But the part of the presentation I found so inspirational is Bill’s approach to life. He started on a long distance bike ride through a, perhaps rash, comment on a conference call to a weight loss group whose conference he would be speaking to in North Carolina. Without numerous prestigious letters after his name like the other presenters, when it came his turn to introduce himself on the telephone conference, he said he was going to ride his bike there from Columbus. Oops! Another need to analyze his particular problem and make a plan. You will have to listen to his wonderful presentation to find out the outcome, but I suspect you can already guess.
Don’t miss an opportunity to hear this entertaining, bigger-than-life personality hand you the keys to a fitter, happier you. – Deb Solove, Columbus New Neighbors League